Micro Visco-Amylo-Graph measures temperature-dependent and time-dependent viscosity properties, especially of flours, starches and other materials. Furthermore, it also provides you with information on enzyme activity (α-amylses). By using the standard procedure and under controlled conditions, a starch-water or flour-water suspension is heated in a rotating bowl and cooled down again. The special geometry of the paddle ensures good mixing of the sample, eliminating sedimentation of starch particles. Temperature measurement directly within the sample makes it easy to always precisely assign the temperature to the current viscosity.
Determination of;
Viscoelastic properties
Enzyme activity
Starch quality and starch properties
Baking behaviour
Year Established
Laboratory Staff
Booking Guideline
Internal Users (USIM)
Using grant/cash
1. Download the Instrument FORM
2. Fill-in the form completely - and get approval from your supervisor/project leader. Make sure the research grant code is active.
3. Fill online reservation form.
5. If your submission accepted, you will get email and see your name in our Calender.
6. Please come at booking time with original Instrument FORM, Sample and Blank CD to collect your data.
External Users
1. Download Instrument FORM
2. Fill the form with complete address with postcode number.
3. Scan and email the form to ainida@usim.edu.my. After email please call our office 06-798 6550
4. Kindly wait while we process your booking
5. Proceed with payment via P.O or cash transaction through Bendahari USIM
6. Call us once you've received the proof of payment to make reservation. We will update you with tax invoice later. 7. Walk in to our lab for sample analysis along with your CD for data collection.
Booking Form
Booking Calendar
For any inquiries or questions regarding booking/instrument please contact our Science Officer :
Pn Ainida Hj Fauzi : 06-798 6550
Head Office
Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi,
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia,
Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800 Nilai
Negeri Sembilan
Tel: 06-798 6550
Fax: 06-798 6516
Contact Us
Micro Visco Amylograph analysis will only be run during weekdays (Mon-Fri, 930AM-530PM)
Closed on Weekend and Public Holiday
Please make bookings at least 3 DAYS EARLIER.